Saturday, December 27, 2014

Boca da Valeri

Today we stopped at Boca da Valeri, a very small
village. The children like to walk you around and
expect a dollar for each photograph taken.

A House Visit

I heard someone talking about going into the
jungle and seeing some more houses (another
village or part of the same one?). I began walking
that way and a young lady came along and told
me her house was that way so I went with her.
I met her mother and there were two small

Remember, we are in the jungle. Most houses
are built on stilts and are very open. From my
observation, they do well with what they have.
The house we visited had refrigerator and stove
but not much space for storage. But everything
was very clean.

Hammocks are widely used. I noticed several
at the house we visited, and a tarp or something
was rolled up which is probably lowered at
night. I wondered about that until someone said

it was probably needed for the rainy season.

The house (like others) is built open so breeze
Can flow. This house had a porch around half
Of the house and that was where they had
Refrigerator, stove, and an old fashioned
Sewing machine. It was also where they had
Two flat screen TV’s. I don’t remember is
There were doors to the bedrooms.
I never saw any bathrooms. At the same
Time there were no odors.

The people have their TV’s and cell phones,
But otherwise live simply.

It was a delightful day and will probably be one
of the highlights of the trip.

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