Monday, December 22, 2014

Hooray for Tugboats

Did you think tug boats were obsolete? Not so.
They have come to our rescue on the last two trips.
I don’t remember where we were last time, but the
first tug couldn’t get us out so we had to wait for a
second one.

Last night we again called on a tug to get us out of
port. We were very close to “Annette”. It went by
the side we were sitting on and several minutes later
was back on our side giving help (As far as we knot
Ii was same tug).

There are some islands in the Caribbean we have
not been to. Today we marked another off the list -
Guadalupe. Our ship (less than 1000 passengers)
is the largest one that stops there. We had to anchor
pretty far out – over a 10 minute ride. Guadalupe
Is still not overrun by tourists and we walked around
town and into a local neighborhood. Houses were
small but nice.

The last two nights we have had the same couple
sitting next to us at dinner. The first night I told the
lady she reminded me very much of a friend (A
wonderful lady from our church who is in charge
of missions). The couple's name are Jean and Ken-
should be able to remember that. A priest was seated
on the other side of Jean. He was very interesting
and funny.

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