Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cruising and Meeting of the Waters

December 4

We took a boat trip into Amazon waterways.
I leaned today that there is no overland passage
from Manaus to other parts of Brazil. The only
road goes to Venezuela. As I said early, most
transportation is by boat.

We passed several villages, some of them
“floating villages”. The ones not floating are built
on stilts.

Our guide said they did not have running water and
had to “make” their clean water. I’m still not
clear on that.

Meeting of the Waters

I was fascinated by the “meeting of the waters.”
Many rivers join with the Amazon but unlike what
I was used to, another river doesn’t flow into it
and continue on as the Amazon. The rivers do not
comingle. They just flow alongside each other.

The different rivers can be easily distinguished.
The reason they do not comingle is that they
are different temperatures, flow at different
rates and contain different sediments. The
Amazon has a lot of silt. The Rio Negro
(where Manaus is located) and others
contain other items.

We encountered this “meeting” several times.

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