Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Road Scholar

December 7, 2014

We did not go ashore at our last stop on the
Amazon. The town was primarily a beach resort.
I met a gentleman earlier in the trip who has done
a lot of guest lecturing in SA. He is doing a private
group of presentations for “Road Scholars” and
said he had extra seats and invited us. I enjoy him
more than the ship’s lecturers.

I don’t know if he was kidding us or not, but he
said he was banned from HAL guest speaker list
because a passenger complained about his wife
being so frightened about what he said that she
couldn’t sleep. (It was something tongue in cheek
about what to do if encountering an anaconda.
Playing like a tree root actually makes a lot of
sense to me.) If she frightens so easily, maybe
she should stay away.

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